Mini Storall is dedicated to providing you with the best in customer service and satisfaction. Below, you will find several answers for many of the most commonly asked questions regarding self storage. If your questions are not answered here, then please feel free to contact us anytime during regular office hours with further questions and/or concerns.
Mini Storall has put together several packing and storage tips for those seeking a little extra guidance through their Silverton Oregon self storage units facility experience. We hope that you find these helpful as you prepare to pack and store your belongings into your new Mini Storall storage unit. Please feel free to contact us during normal office hours if you have any further questions and/or concerns.
Mini Storall can help you will your self storage needs, from boxes to bubble-wrap, our packing supplies will have you covered. Our office also features the most secure locks on the market today as well as various different packing & storing supplies for you to effectively store all of your valuable items.
Mini Storall would like to help make your moving process less stressful. We have created a basic moving guide to help assist your with this dreaded process. Organizing and preparing several weeks before your big move will lessen your stress and will decrease your chances of overlooking crucial details. If you have additional questions, then please contact us during regular office hours.